On 2012/03/06 06:32, Aaron Konstam wrote:
On Tue, 2012-03-06 at 21:43 +1030, Tim wrote:
On Mon, 2012-03-05 at 09:36 -0600, Aaron Konstam wrote:
It is not hard and that is what I have been saying from the

It's the opposite of what you've been saying, repeatedly.  Geez.

You kept saying CUPS wouldn't work if UTC was set.  That's wrong.
You said that you'd set the clock correctly, that was wrong.

I don't know why I keep responding to you. I said that cups browsing
does not work if you don't set UTC. Over and over that is what I said.
Both the hardware and system clock were set correctly which was why it
took so long to find the problem.

I of course read that as UTC TZ setting not the UTC check box on the
system clock configuration futilty. (I edit adjtime by hand. I've been
bit by GUI futilities too often. They are either "take over and screw up
everthing" like the network configuration or (IMHO) inadequate to the job
like the various firewall setup tools. Erm, I have an exotic firewall.)

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