On Sun, 2012-03-04 at 15:13 -0500, Peter Larsen wrote:
> The "partition type" is something DOS/Windows uses (to a degree) and
> for backwards compatability reasons, you still see MS products use
> these labels. Linux, however, does not adhere to or use the partition
> types at all.

I do not think so.  As I recall, set a partition up as being "swap" and
the system automatically finds it as a swap partition.  Also, formatting
tools can read the partition type, and automatically choose the same
file system, when formatting it.

Of course one can create a DOS partition, for example, then reformat it
as a Linux one using an EXT3 file system, as an override, and the system
won't care what the partition type was.  But that doesn't fit into Linux
not using the partition types at all.

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