Antonio Olivares wrote:

>> I'm looking for a Fedora/KDE application to convert ogg
>> music format to mp3.
>> (My Android phone does not accept .ogg files.)

> A script called ogg2mp3 in Linux Questions may help:
> Cut and paste it and save as ogg2mp3 in any directory where the ogg files
> are at or whereever you want it, then $ chmod +x ogg2mp3
> then run it like the suggestion
> find /path -name \*.ogg -exec ogg2mp3 {} \;

Thanks very much for this, and all the other (many) responses.

This was the first I received (by email) and I found it worked perfectly.

Actually, the loss of quality often mentioned was not noticeable
in my case, as the files I was converting were actually speech
rather than music.
I can't tell the difference (on my laptop) between the original .ogg files
and the translation into mp3.
(On the other hand I am not very sensitive to this kind of thing.)
As far as I can see, the script above converts first to WAV and then to mp3.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

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