On 13 February 2012 01:19, jonetsu <jone...@teksavvy.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2012 17:38:56 -0700,
> Pete Travis <li...@petetravis.com> wrote :
>> yum install akmod-nvidia
>> The akmod will build the module locally when there is disparity
>> between the kmod and kernel versions.  You can install them both and
>> not think about it again.
> Super!  This works very nicely.  Installed it, then rebooted and now
> back to high resolution.
> Also, this is a principle I'm not too familiar with, this capacity for
> certain drivers to rebuild themselves when needed.  I think VmWare also
> uses that (at last ! ;-).  ... If what's at work here with
> akmod-nvidia is that.
> Within Fedora, are there any other drivers that works int he same
> way ? Could be useful to know.

Not within Fedora itself, because it's not needed by things which are
part of the standard kernel. But RPMFusion provides a few other akmod

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