On Monday 13 February 2012 10:06:25 François Patte wrote:
> 1- I am wondering if I have any chances to use my gnome-2 config if I
> install f-16 on my computers. I can't believe that developpers do not
> care about backward compatibility...

Believe it.

Gnome3 is as different from Gnome2 as KDE4 is different from Gnome2. It's an 
entirely new DE, with different organization, structure, workflow, etc. Nothing 
is the same except for the name "Gnome".

You're probably best off migrating to XFCE. IIUC, it is most similar DE to the 
old Gnome2.

> 2- Are there LTSP packages in f-16

[root@Yoda ~]# yum search ltsp
N/S Matched: ltsp 
ltsp-client.x86_64 : LTSP client
ltsp-server.x86_64 : LTSP server
ltsp-vmclient.x86_64 : LTSP Virtual Machine Client
ltspfs.x86_64 : LTSP file system, daemon that runs on thin clients
ltspfsd.x86_64 : LTSP file system, userspace FUSE module that runs on a server
vnc-ltsp-config.noarch : Easy Enabler of VNC remote LTSP desktops
k12linux-quick-start-guide.noarch : Quick Start Guide for K12Linux Live LTSP 
ldm.x86_64 : LTSP Display Manager
ldminfod.x86_64 : LTSP client

  Name and summary matches only, use "search all" for everything.

HTH, :-)

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