On Fri, 10 Feb 2012 14:46:50 +0000
Timothy Murphy <gayle...@eircom.net> wrote:

> Genes MailLists wrote:
> >> Incidentally, I've always assumed that the word "sync" meant
> >> to make the data in two places, eg phone and computer, the same.
> >> But it seems to be used in this context simply to mean
> >> "transfer from A to B".
> > 
> >   It does keep the 2 in sync - sounds lke you turned off the sync part
> > in your phone - otherwise all your contacts would be visible in gmail
> > contacts via browser. If thats the case just turn sync back on on your
> > phone and you're done.
> I haven't turned anything on or off on the phone.
> Do you have an Android phone?
> I have been advised that I should go to Settings=>Advanced on the phone,
> but there is no such item on my phone in the Settings menu.
> (The phone is a Samsung Galaxy S2, running Android 2.3.3 .)
> I'm running the application Funambol Sync .

Android 2.3.x should have a settings->accounts & sync

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