On 02/09/2012 09:44 AM, MATON Brett wrote:

*From:*Rich Megginson [mailto:rmegg...@redhat.com]
*Sent:* 09 February 2012 17:39
*To:* MATON Brett
*Cc:* General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
*Subject:* Re: [389-users] Admin Server - Encryption Tab

On 02/09/2012 09:37 AM, MATON Brett wrote:

*From:*Rich Megginson [mailto:rmegg...@redhat.com]
*Sent:* 09 February 2012 17:23
*To:* General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
*Cc:* MATON Brett
*Subject:* Re: [389-users] Admin Server - Encryption Tab

On 02/09/2012 09:12 AM, MATON Brett wrote:

*From:*Rich Megginson [mailto:rmegg...@redhat.com]
*Sent:* 09 February 2012 16:51
*To:* General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.
*Cc:* MATON Brett
*Subject:* Re: [389-users] Admin Server - Encryption Tab

On 02/09/2012 08:45 AM, MATON Brett wrote:

Platform RHEL6.2 x86_64 (EPEL repository enabled)

$ rpm -qa | grep 389













I can only access the Encryption Tab of 389 Admin Server from the local host.

When I try to access it from a remote desktop, it hangs for want of a better description at "Loading" the progress bar in the bottom right corner fills up and then starts over.

Nothing to note in the logs other than:

Blah admserv_host_ip_check: ap_get_remote_host could not resolve blah

Which is another thread...

This happens whether I'm using LDAPS to plain vanilla LDAP.

Any thoughts ?

you do seem to have the magic bug finger . . .  (I have my Moments J)

try 389-console -D 9 -f console.log
to see if there is anything interesting in the console.log

hmm - try
rm -rf ~/.389-console
to clear out the jar file cache
then run the console again

New output, attached complete log (Googlizing the NMC errors didn't return much...):

Not sure why you are getting NoSuchMethodError
That seems like a mismatch between jar files

Try updating to the latest packages from epel-testing on both the client and the server

server - yum update --enablerepo=epel-testing idm-console-framework 389-console 389-admin-console 389-ds-console 389-admin client - yum update --enablerepo=epel-testing idm-console-framework 389-console unless the client is also a server, in which case use the packages for server

I'll Update the server now and try it again, the client is running on Windows 7 x64 (http://port389.org/download/389-Console-1.1.6-x86_64.msi)

Ah, ok. The cache dir is different on Windows. Not sure where it is - I guess you could look for a .389-console folder somewhere under \users\yourusername

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[7:0] close> Closed

ClassLoader: :loadClass():name:java.lang.StringBuffer




RSA-token=internal (software)

RSA-cert=<DS FQDN>







Framework.setCursor(): Discarding change of cursor


ResourceSet: NOT found in cache loader558648009:com.netscape.management.client.security.securityResource

CommManager> New CommRecord (http://<DS FQDN>:9830/admin-serv/tasks/configuration/SecurityOp)

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] open> Ready

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] accept> http://<DS FQDN>:9830/admin-serv/tasks/configuration/SecurityOp

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> POST  \

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> /admin-serv/tasks/configuration/SecurityOp \

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send>  HTTP/1.0

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> Host: <DS FQDN>:9830

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> Connection: Keep-Alive

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> User-Agent: 389-Management-Console/1.1.5

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> Accept-Language: en

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> Authorization: Basic  \

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> Y249RGlyZWN0b3J5IE1hbmFnZXI6NzFwd2RucmI= \

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send>

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> Content-Length:43

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send>

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> Writing 43 bytes...

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] send> 43 bytes written

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] recv> HTTP/1.1 200 OK

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] recv> Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 16:31:20 GMT

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] recv> Server: Apache/2.2

HttpChannel.invoke: admin version = 2.2

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] recv> Admin-Server: 389-Administrator/1.1.25

HttpChannel.invoke: admin version = 1.1.25

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] recv> Connection: close

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] recv> Content-Type: text/html

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] recv>

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] recv> Reading unknown length bytes...

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] recv> 314 bytes read

http://<DS FQDN>:9830/[8:0] close> Closed




<internal (software)>


</internal (software)>



Content-type: text/html

NMC_Status: 2


NMC_ErrInfo: NSS shutdown failed: error -8053:unknown

Content-type: text/html

NMC_Status: 0

Exception in thread "LongAction" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.netscape.management.client.security.CipherPreferenceDialog.<init>(Ljava/awt/Frame;ZZZZZZ)V

at com.netscape.management.admserv.panel.TurnOnSSL.setSecurityIsDomestic(Unknown Source)

at com.netscape.management.client.security.EncryptionPanel.<init>(Unknown Source)

at com.netscape.management.client.security.EncryptionPanel.<init>(Unknown Source)

at com.netscape.management.admserv.panel.TurnOnSSL.getPanel(Unknown Source)

at com.netscape.management.admserv.config.TabbedConfigPanel$CreateTabAction.run(Unknown Source)

at com.netscape.management.admserv.config.BaseConfigPanel$4.run(Unknown Source)

ResourceSet: found in cache loader558648009:com.netscape.management.client.util.default

ResourceSet: found in cache loader558648009:com.netscape.management.client.util.default

ResourceSet: found in cache loader558648009:com.netscape.management.client.util.default



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