Hi, the mantainer is in a trip to FOSDEM, he say that a rebuild will happens ASAP. The problem is that Chromium uses libvpx.0 and the recent updates need livpx.1. He mail a workaround. I dont know if it will work (or alot in the technical side), but here is:

1) Download the old libvpx package:


2) Make a temporary directory:

mkdir sandbox

3) Change into the temporary directory:

cd sandbox

4) Use rpm2cpio to unpack the rpm:

rpm2cpio libvpx- | cpio -idv

5) As root, copy the old library files into the system library path:

su -c 'cp -a ./usr/lib/* /usr/lib/'

6) Regenerate the system library cache

su -c '/sbin/ldconfig'

7) Restore the selinux contexts on the libraries

su -c 'restorecon -v /usr/lib/libvpx.so.0*'

8) At this point, chromium should run again. RPM/yum will still complain
about the chromium package missing a dependency, but that will go away
when I build the new one.

I hope this works.

Cheers, Ruy

Thanks Ruy will give it a go

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