Am 05.02.2012 01:17, schrieb Paul Allen Newell:
> Scanned them all. I would be inclined to agree there is a problem based on 
> the contents. But since Linksys takes
> the stand that Linux is not part of their world, I would still hope that 
> someone on the list can provide a "Linux
> confirm" 

the linksys firmwares are crap and working mostly only with windows

i have one of this idiotic devices which needed MSIE6 and only MSEI6 for one
firmware-update and after that the WebUI worked ONLY with MSIE >=7 and no
longer with MSIE6 -> thank god virtual machines!

i would recommend HP for neraly all including network devices and
at best use BUSINESS hardware from HP not the customer crap, often
it is cheaper at all and works

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