Am 05.01.2012 13:59, schrieb Tim:
> On Thu, 2012-01-05 at 12:46 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> my god it refers to the "# metadata_expire=90m" as
>> usually comment blocks are before the setting they
>> describe
>> maybe you should read a comment-block from
>> start to end beofre calling things "useless"
> Well, actually, maybe file comment writers shouldn't write such utterly
> crappily written comments, so that such things aren't readily noticed.  
> There's two paragraphs

there is a free line before and after the whole comment-block
the first line contains "metadata" and the last is
"# metadata_expire=90m" - so there is the context of THIS

> There's a whole list of
> settings above it, and logically speaking "this" would refer to the last
> one, from the point of view in writing in English.

since when are comments in configuration files or source-codes BELOW?

> Oh, and you can take "your god," and put it back in the box with all the
> other mythical characters

calm down - you are the one who was too lazy to read and starting
with the phrase "useless" while others understand the file
so you can select:

* all others are wrong
* you are wrong

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