On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 1:38 AM, M. Fioretti <mfiore...@nexaima.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 21:29:45 PM +0100, Patrick Lists wrote:
> > On 04-01-12 20:08, JB wrote:
> > >I think this list should not be moderated at all because as I
> > >already said it can be easily manipulated into killing it.
> > ...
> > IMO that Linda person is killing this list
> As far as "Linda" is concerned, she (?) really, really felt to me from
> the very first moment as nobody else than the K. Larsen guy who messed
> up around here and on Ubuntu lists till one or two years ago, with
> another address. But this is just a personal feeling, not supported by
> any fact, only reported for your amusement.
> Apart from this, I've tried to ignore this issue for as long as I
> could, but apparently isn't possible anymore. I am against general
> moderation here for a lot of reasons, but I am all for expelling
> subscribers like these quickly, every time they appear, period. I
> can't understand why it didn't happened weeks ago.
> Arguing that one should be "patient with newbies who come from
> Windows", as somebody wrote in defense of "Linda" weeks ago doesn't
> make sense. Being a Windows user and/or a total newbie, and being a
> totally annoying, group-destructing moron are totally separate issues,
> why should the first be an excuse for the second?
> The reason why people like these should be expelled is that they do
> kill communities, but (also) in a way that I haven't seen mentioned
> yet.
> What makes one distro different from another is (among other things,
> of course) the effectiveness and usefulness of its mail archives and
> the effort it takes to follow them for a newbie.
> Personally, I have NO problem at all to filter out everything about
> "Linda". I do filter out uninteresting mailing list threads all the
> time anyway with this great procmail trick I invite everybody to try:
> http://freesoftware.zona-m.net/how-ignore-uninteresting-threads-in-mailing-lists/
> In spite of this, "Linda" still is killing this list because the
> archives are full of crap from/about her. What recent archives tell
> now is not "how to use fedora". It is:
> a) if you want to get or give help here you have to set up special
>   filters, because no Fedora person cares about making your mailing
>   list usage as smooth as possible
> b) if you want to learn something by browsing the archives, learn
>   first to do without **any** thread in which "Linda" appears, there will
>   be nothing but noise in there.
> Even if there are never personal attacks, a community with a mailing
> list whose inboxes and archives are free playgrounds for Lindas looks
> like a restaurant whose owner won't kick out customers giving speeches
> from their table because "ear plugs are so very easy to use".
> This is the main reason why years ago I stopped trying Debian AND made
> a point to NEVER recommend Debian to anyone. Three or four veteran
> subscribers regularly used the list to ramble for days about
> EVERYTHING that crossed their mind, filling both inboxes and archives
> with hundreds (literally) of messages of irrelevant stuff. They would
> explain you how to set up a firewall, then drop in some memory of
> college in the same paragraph and ramble along for days.
> the moderator wouldn't care and if anybody tried to tell them to stop,
> he would be doctored both by those morons in a very Linda-like style,
> and by other subscribers, that they could ramble as they pleased
> because "it is very easy to filter me out, just set up your procmail
> like this..."
> So, no to actual moderation, but as soon as some character like this
> PROVES he/she won't stop as Linda abundantly proved, block him for
> good, please.
>      Marco
>      http://mfioretti.com
> --
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I am new to the list, and enjoy reading the discussions, But, maybe because
i am new to the list, I start reading stuff about NFS or some gnome shell
problem (look like they are common this days) and suddenly I start reading
some stuff about a lady who may o may not be crazy, and the first things
that pop my mind is say ok, and I keep doing my thing.
The day after that i hear users asking for explanations about what happend,
like is someone is murder or something horrible. The admin, doing the right
thing explain: a miscalculation in filters let this 1 mail slip trought the
cracks. I say ok, thanks, now I know this list have humans (who may or may
not be crazy).
Next morning, we have a discusssion two mile long talking about moderation
and this fight about his guy from GNOME who offers to help (and because
some thing happen who know when is shout like the spartan from 300: This is
Look I new here, and i dont know much about fedora or GNOME (except that
this days everyone want their GNOME 3 to be special or something), but is
not more easy to make a comitte and say: OK, guys we make some rules (like
if you do this or that, bad things happens to you mail account), and if
some guy (who may o may not be crazy, male, female, or any other geek
stereotype) broke that said rule is just banned or have a warning?

My two cents

PD: I use this email because is was more of a personal opinion, not some
answer to some OT discussion.
PD2: I am from Argentina, and now is 2 in the morning, if someone feels
that i am being disrespectful or the joke aint funny, newbie, please please
just sent me a mail to know, and to not make the mistake again.
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