On Wed, 2012-01-04 at 16:19 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 01/04/2012 04:17 PM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> > Though I can't stand the MS world of extensions meaning something, I
> > can't imagine not using extensions to help understand what is there.
> > The system shouldn't give a damn, but the user needs all the help
> > he/she can get (smile) 
> Sure, and if someone chooses to use them that is their choice.  I don't
> bash (pun intended) them for it.  I just make sure that the new people I
> run into (at work) know that it isn't necessary.
I have a terrific memory but it can be very short. Therefore, I like the
ability to view the contents of a directory to know what the files are
about without having to resort to head/tail/less/file operation to know
that an image is a .jpg, a document is .odt, a bash sript is .sh, etc. I
always thought it it was for my own benefit to append an extension not
because it was necessary (though for some things like web served
documents it sure is necessary).


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