On Wed, 04 Jan 2012 16:56:24 -0430
"Patrick O'Callaghan" <pocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 2012-01-04 at 13:23 +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
> > > No doubt some people have done so, but "most people"? Do you have
> > > information on this? Enquiring minds want to know.
> > 
> > Plot graphs of active contributors to this list and their active time
> > on
> > the list before leaving, compare with the power curve you got from
> > doing
> > it with old data. It speaks volumes.
> > 
> Well for one thing not all the membership actually posts, and for
> another people may post for a while and then not. Unless you have access
> to the list membership database, I'd say the data was too noisy for such
> a firm conclusion.

List membership databases are not generally useful - a lot of list
memberships are actually dead, spamtrapped or just unread and ignored.
Now it could be the list is full of people but everyone has stopped
posting. Somehow I doubt that.

The forums on the other hand seem to be booming - which is good, and
perhaps as much a demographic and technological shift as anything else ?

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