On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 17:26 +0000, g wrote: 
> On 12/30/2011 04:38 PM, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> <>
> > No bing search plugin is present.
> if you follow what Patrick suggested and find that problem is in your
> profile, you can use new profile and rebuild or...
> ok. now the 'long part'.
> with firefox closed, open a file browser, move to your firefox profile
> directory;
>   /home/aaron/.mozilla/firefox/????????.default/
> open a terminal, enter;
>   grep bing * > 00-bing.0001
> if file size great than 0, open '00-bing.0001' to see what files have
> 'bing' in them.
> make a backup copy of files. open the files and insert '#' or required
> comment mark at start of line/s that read 'bing'.
> also, if you find 'bing' and it shows a directory path, rename 'bing'
> directory.
> next open directory 'extensions', look for a directory with 'bing' in
> name. if none, open each sub directory and view files, looking for
> reference to 'bing'. or, open terminal and;
>   grep bing *
> no need to redirect to a file, unless you want. if any file does have
> 'bing', move to top of path, in 'extensions' directory and append an
> extension to that directory to block it being used.
> i know this is a lot to go thru, but you can imagine what i have gone
> thru to find these little 'tricks' to find problems.

Let us be clear. You want me to cd to .mozilla/firefox/o8u6238s.default.
o8u6238s.default is the name of my default file.
Then run: grep bing * > bing.out

That returns a file with 4 lines , 28 words and 110008 characters. The
file is completely unreadable (mostly gobbely gook)
Well you can find bing appearing in the file but not a line which you
can easily deal with. 

I could grep each file in the directory but that is a lot of work for a
minor annoyance But maybe I will do it some day.

But in principle I am sure this method would trace down the problem.
Don't worry so loud, your roommate can't think.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akons...@sbcglobal.net

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