On 30-12-11 10:00, nomnex wrote:
On Thu, 29 Dec 2011 21:16:16 -0700
Craig White<craigwh...@azapple.com>  wrote:

I don't share your obvious contempt for her presence and think
you have been unnecessarily harsh.

I think that too. I am a Fedora desktop user. My understanding is that
Fedora welcome a broad range of users.

Yes it does. That is not the issue. Craig feels that this list can not be compared to the other projects I mentioned. But those other projects also welcome a broad range of users yet the lack of a "Linda" person on any of their mailing lists shows that they are apparently capable of maintaining how they want their Community to interact and how members use their mailing lists. And those projects also have mailing lists with clearly defined purposes and guidelines. Just like this one.

 I have not problem with elitist
people, but tolerance has to come first, else it's being pedantic.

Agree. But I don't think there is any intent to be elitist here. AFAIK everybody is welcome. IMHO inexperienced end-users will have a harder time getting basic stuff to work like playing an mp3 or an avi movie on F16 then they will have on say Ubuntu or Mint. And from what I have seen Ubuntu's and Mint's support system seems to be very successful in getting inexperienced end-users going.

Patrick could have either filter her (his?) messages, either not
read them (what I did). No hard feeling on both sides.

Sure I could have ignored the trolling of this "Linda" person. But I chose not to because he/she decided to ignore the official purpose of this list and mailing list guidelines in spite of having been asked several times to stay on topic by other people on this list before I ever asked.

This is simply about staying on-topic on a mailing list with a clearly defined purpose and clearly defined mailing list guidelines. If this "Linda" person were to skip all those crazy stories about people bugs and other totally off-topic stuff then he/she is off course most welcome like anyone else (if I had any say in it, which I off course do not). Even if he/she wants to discuss an issue with booting EOL F14 with 8 USB sticks plugged in :)

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