On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Linda McLeod <lindavald...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Anyone know why a particular flash-drive would reconfigure itself to be
> read only..?

Flash drives are generally very cheaply built. The OS does what it has
to, to deal with them.

> This F-drive has done this three times, forcing me to

(F-drive? Hmm.)

> format it, and reload the hd backup.. and another has done it once..  I
> run with ten flash-drives in maintaining a perpetual backup by the
> hour..

Wow. Talk about trying to achieve data center functionality on a hobby budget.

Talk about overkill.

> I reload the hd backup flash yesterday, and now when I click up
> properties, I get "permissions could not be determined"..?  This
> troublesome flash is a "DANE-ELEC" 8-gig"..  I can't trust this
> crap-thing..  What's the best low priced flash on the market..?

No such thing. You takes what you gets.
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