Am 29.12.2011 00:00, schrieb Linda McLeod:
> Much Thanks Dear Joel..
> I am researching your great advice dude..
> The data I need to protect, is the new sciences I saw in the Bigfoot
> collective, after a female adolescent one touched my neck twice, which
> paralysed me for eight excruciating hours while she scanned my
> memories.. but I asked "may I scan you while you scan me?", and got
> permission..  I saw 14 layers of sciences, and made a copy for myself
> before they ejected me from their collective consciousness...  That's
> 1400 untapped sciences, 100+ technologies in each.. more than enough to
> get our Species to other healthy planets..

can you PLEASE stop wasting others time with your science-fiction
stories with no single relevance to fedora or computers at all?

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