Hi Michael

> On Fri, 23 Dec 2011 22:44:26 +0100, DB (Daniel) wrote:
>> Sorry for writing big letters, but I'm happy!
>> I did an reinstall of the openssh-server package, but that would not 
>> have been necessary..
> The sshd_config files you've quoted contain *many* changes compared
> with the default files. Obviously, you've messed with the files too much
> without applying your changes in small steps while verifying that the
> service still works.
Yes, you're right; I messed up too much..

>> I did an sshd-keygen, now my server has some keys! (Probably he didn't 
>> had any before)..
> sshd-keygen.service is a systemd service, which gets enabled automatically,
> but requires a reboot or a manual start for fresh installs of the
> openssh-server package.
Hmm... when I install debian, then the key's are generated automatically
at boot-up. Or when I install the openssh-package, the keys are
generated right away by installing the package. It seem's to be
different to Fedora - good to know!!

Kind regards
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