On 12/25/2011 10:13 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
I think it has do do with FireFox and TBird being gtk apps while KDE
apps are qt.  Anyway all is back the way I want it...so maybe you need
to try something similar.

Bingo! I logged off KDE and in to Gnome. Fired up Firefox and went to: Edit/Preferences/Advanced/General/System Defaults and there I could click the button to check and see if Firefox was the default browser. It replied that Firefox was not the default and did I want to change that, to which I assented.

In retrospect, I probably could have just gone into the Firefox preferences and changed Firefox to the default browser while logged into KDE

Thunderbird weblinks now open Firefox, or a new tab in Firefox if it's already running. I still don't understand how Chrome became the default browser...

Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA
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