On 2011/12/22 19:29, Fernando Cassia wrote:
On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 15:19, Dave Ihnat<dih...@dminet.com> wrote:
That situation will ease--the industry is saying by second
quarter, but my bet is for at least a year, maybe 16-18 months (since they
have to either dry out and refurbish flooded facilities, build new
facilities, or expand existing facilities--all real-world bricks'n'sticks
infrastructure development)-
Let´s all give a round of applause to the brainiacs who in the name of
cost cutting, selected a flood-prone area to place their investment
(factories), all due to the low wages.
Must have been the same guys who built Fukushima on a seismic area
prone to tsunamis.
Oh, the joys of shortsighted capitalism... ;-)
You think Mao or Stalin did any better? I submit they did far worse. The
Fukushima plant did a fairly thorough investigation and missed something
most others had missed, too. There were some really old geological records
that suggested events such as that huge earthquake did indeed create
tsunamis as big as we saw. But basically they were caught flatfooted
despite what should have been adequate research. It was after the event
that the geological record came to the awareness of the authorities.
I know honesty and fairness about criticism are foreign to this list. But
it's ever so much more effective if you criticize with genuine facts rather
than things "everyone knows" that they learned from media which is prone
to selling their product not truth.
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