OK, got an F15 system that went a bit bonkers.  Things were pretty much
hung.  So, forced a reboot and the fun begins....

The boot process appeared hung with the disk activity light on solid. 
Booted to rescue mode.

On one disk is /boot as well as vg_root.  The second disk has vg_home. 
/boot fsck'd OK and I was able to activate and fsck vg_home.

vg_root contains a swap partition as well as / which lvscan shows is 224GB.

fsck /dev/vg_root/LogVol01    has resulted a line displaying

/dev/mapper/vg_root-LogVol01: recovering journal

and the disk activity light is on "solid".  I don't believe there to be
a HW problem since /boot is on the same disk and checks OK.  So, the
question is how long should this take?  Anyway to see if anything is
actually happening/working?

Any other suggestions to getting / recovered?

Beware of a tall blond man with one black shoe.

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