On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan
<pocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a slow (1Mbps) connection at home, so I'm keen to reduce yum
> update times. The fastestmirror plugin ought to be good for someone like
> me, but I can't discover any rationale for how it's supposed to work.
> This is not helped by the complete absence of documentation.
> For example, I explicitly exclude the .br TLD since FM thinks Brazil is
> close to Venezuela where I live. However networkologically they aren't
> that close, and downloads from the Brazil mirror(s) general go at 20Kbps
> or less. So the weighting algorithm is demonstrably wrong. I've actually
> brought this up before on the list, but I don't remember BZing it. My
> mistake.
> Anyway, despite this explicit exclusion, yum insists on trying to
> download from a Brazil mirror. In fact today it wanted to update json-c
> and decided to use Brazil, however there was a connection problem so the
> update failed. Several retries gave the same result.
> I then disabled fastestmirror completely and tried again. The update
> completed instantly. So I guess I'll be leaving fastestmirror turned off
> from now on.
> poc

fastestmirror is broken

it should detect the fast speed downloads, but it tries to find the
nearest mirror or something else.


Itamar Reis Peixoto
msn, google talk: ita...@ispbrasil.com.br
+55 11 4063 5033 (FIXO SP)
+55 34 9158 9329 (TIM)
+55 34 8806 3989 (OI)
+55 34 3221 8599 (FIXO MG)
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