Re: Screensaver takes too much time to fade-out... From: "Michael Schwendt" <> [Add] To: Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 3:33 PM (18 hours 45 minutes ago) Show message - Delete attached message - Save copy of attached message Show full header
On Wed, 14 Dec 2011 15:13:09 -0800, LM (Linda) wrote: > The g'rillas get into it through > weaknesses in FireFox.. What makes you think so? __________________________ I get the same cracker treatment as I did with "Storm Virus" creator.. after I exposed him.. He got onto my desktop.. and emptied a whole file folder onto the screen... I keyed-in "Get Pampers!".. and in an instant the W2k OS was totally nuked, crashed... But the one that's been "clawing at my back", probably masturbates while he's at the company's computers... It's one of the ways he has fun.. "destroying life, genius, & innocence" as a sport, when hunting season is closed to the slaughtering of our wilderness friends.. They needs alternative ways to get them off & wet.. They create hell for others, in the name of their great almighty hero... I needs a foolproof way of keeping ape-world out of my PC, and out of my life.. but they're feeding, like lamprey do on perch.. Just ask a perch "how does it shake-off an attacking lamprey before it gets grown into its belly?".. "What makes you think so?" Seems they never get-in while the OS is updating, but when FF is up, they do so get in, and mess things up, like a brat kid with a full diaper leaking streaks all over mum's living-room white shag carpet... Sometimes they lock-out FF's tools header.. They change the language in the google search page.. They make right-click tools infective... For several years they've been tormenting me with crashes, a few per month, up to four per week.. usually the moment I've keyed something, in a post, they couldn't handle, because it exposes too much truth about the evils that torment humanity.. so I evolved it into "writing posts with the net-wire pulled from the tower".. Seems as if they are "almost" hard-wired into my IP.. They have the power, they do what ever in hell they please... I wish the same grief, times a thousand, upon their spirits.. a Lien upon their spirits and souls.. "May the sources & forces of Life see it to bully them a 1000 times harder than they have bullied me"... I wouldn't want to be them... I had to discontinue my Internet connection because of those kooks... My phone has been tapped for nearly 2-years.. I hear the extra clicks... It's bullying only... Seems they invent and create crime when they're bored... Every few days one of them kooks follows me in his private vehicle.. I've got hundreds of pix on their antics and evils.. Seems they are "having fun destroying an innocent's life.. I'm trying to adapt to it.. knowing that what they already did to me will probably kill me in a couple years, or less.. hoping they'll somehow soon wake-up to some reality and honesty and love.. soon I hopes, so I can get me back into designing technologies to rescue this planet's life-support systems from the damage humanity has done to the planet... I'm in this forum to determine an easy way to make my PC's OS impermeable to ape-world's psychotic azzhole attacks, and to suggest state of the art add-ons & modifications to Linux OS, so it will grow into the OS I need to power this "skin-graft PC", which obsoletes screen, mouse, and keyboard.... -- - Accessible with your email software or over the web -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Guidelines: Have a question? Ask away: