On Mon, 2011-12-12 at 20:13 -0800, Peter Gordon wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-12-12 at 19:10 -0800, Linda McLeod wrote:
> > Is there a super secure way to lock "Home File" with an encrypted
> > password..?
> > 
> > Is there anything in Linux that locks a file behind a tier or key of
> > passwords..?
> One thing that comes to mind is to keep the entire /home directory on a
> LUKS-encrypted partition or similar. (In fact, the past few Fedora
> releases have made this relatively simple: just enable the "Encrypt"
> option for that partition in the installation screen.)

This works if you have a single-user system, but it's not great if you
have a shared machine. I think he's asking for a file vault of some sort
where you can maintain your own home directory as encrypted separate
from the whole filesystem.

I'm not currently aware of any such mechanism in Fedora, but I'd be
interested to find out if I'm wrong.

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