NOSpaze wrote:

> Hi.
> I need to know what software f16 includes to aid in the task of writing
> a book (not just spelling and TOC). libreoffice I'm using, but is too
> slow and unappropriate when working with lots of text. Please dont'
> advise to change OS, I'm a sysadmin and need fedora on all my laptops.
> Mind mapping (freemind is ok, any alternatives?), editing separated
> chapters and ordering afterwards, possibility of looking a list of
> sections or chapters summaries, comparing visually two texts, create
> tables of contents, fast access by indexes, use the less scrolling as
> possible (I know the fast key combinations)... maybe i'm asking too
> much.
> Thanks!

I cannot anticipate your exact needs, but it sounds to me like scribus could be 
what you might be looking for.

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