> Em Qui, 2011-12-08 às 12:00 -0800, Joe Zeff escreveu:
>> OK, I tried letting it sit there trying to start GDM.  Came back after
>> about ten minutes and it had turned itself off in despair.  Before
>> trying again, I have two questions.
>> First, what do I add to the boot parameters to get it to start in a CLI
>> so that I don't have to use the kludge from rescue mode.  Second, what
>> logs do I need to grovel or post to work out what's going on?

On 8 December 2011 20:02, Leonardo Silveira <sombr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Change the target as shown there:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Systemd#How_do_I_change_the_default_runlevel.3F
> but i don't know how to do it directly from grub...


"To boot directly into rescue mode add systemd.unit=rescue.target or 1
to the kernel command line."
I guess you'd give it multi-user.target or runlevel3.target if you
wanted to boot it as a one-off. Also the old runlevel numbers still
work; you can just add '3' to the kernel arguments and get runlevel 3.

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