On 12/07/2011 06:33 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> Sure, post the link, I can take a look (no promises to have useful advice
> afterwards, though :-) ).

Thanx.  I'm fairly sure I can manage to beat the system back into 
submission without a complete reinstall if I can get X working, because 
aside from that it seems to be mostly OK by now.

> While you're at it, post also the /etc/X11/xorg.conf if it exists, the output
> of xrandr, and any nontrivial details about your hardware (a KVM switch
> between the computer and the monitor is a typical troublemaker, for
> example...).

Getting things from that box is non-trivial at this point, but if it 
turns out that you need those things, I can manage.  The log is at 
http://www.zeff.us/xorglog.txt right now.  No KVM switch or other hinky 
stuff, unless you think that a trackball's hinky.
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