Am 07.12.2011 20:04, schrieb Mahdi Foladgar:
> Hi,
> I install FC16 for testing LAMP.
> But I canĀ“t strt mysql server.
> In Older I use /etc/init.d/mysqld but in FC16 this file not exist.
> How can I start/stop mysqld daemon?
> How can I setting up mysql to start at boot time.(same as 
> /etc/rc5.d/S85mysqld)?

man systemctl
man systemd

systemctl start mysqld.service
systemctl stop mysqld.service
systemctl enable mysqld.service
systemctl disable mysqld.service
systemctl staus mysqld.service

why calling ever /etc/init.d/ if there was a service command all the time
which would redirct currently and instruct you?

[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ service mysqld stop; service mysqld start
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl  stop mysqld.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl  start mysqld.service

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