> You will have to do a fairly extensive user interface > research with > samples from non technical users fully new to the user > interface to > conclude anything meaningful. > > Rahul > > --
You have to be kidding! "research"? On a 6-month release early release often desktop? If you do research, then what influence will the research have? Developers have already made up their minds and released their new innovations, and "not" what the research is asking for. You want to look at new small screens like tablets, phones and other small stuff and replace the traditional desktop with that. Each thing should have their own interfaces and not make a "One for all" desktop, which is what appears to be happening at this point. "non technical users fully new to the user interface" What do you mean? Do you mean converts? The current users would inspire others to use Desktops on Operating systems and not new users to a new interface! Is this "new interface" a tablet and not a traditional desktop? > I don't expect anyone > will step up to do > that and hence what we will get is almost fully > subjective. Step up to what? to new TABLET LAND Desktop Interfaces on a traditional desktop? Do research and still see a new interface which goes against many people's comfort zones? File bug reports and see a "CLOSED NOT A BUG" because they have made up their minds before taking a look at the users' requests. Everything is subjective now including desktop interfaces and what people want to use. People have already spoken (Look at KDE 4.0 on Fedora 9 ) and now it has matured, but the point should have been learned. Regards, Antonio -- users mailing list users@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe or change subscription options: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/users Guidelines: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines