On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 09:36:50 -0600
Aaron Konstam <akons...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Suddenly cups is not stared on boot on the machine that is my
> printseerver. (F16)
> Now when I run systems-analyze blame cups.service is not one of the
> services that appears in the printout. However, systemd says the
> cups.service is enabled.
> If I restart the service things work again.
> Where can I look to fix the problem?

I had to run

systemctl enable cups.service 

to get it to startup.

My system was an upgrade from F15.

Brian Millett
"If it makes you feel any better, I can send them a fruit basket."
   -- [ Laurel Takeshima (to G'Kar), "The Gathering"]
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