On 25 November 2011 22:30, Matt Rose <mattr...@folkwolf.net> wrote:
> The customizations I do, very little of it has to do with Gnome3
> specifically.  In fact, only the focus follows mouse issue.  Most of it
> has to do with the terrible, terrible font rendering, the lack of support
> for most modern media formats, and other annoyances.  I've had to do these
> tweaks for far longer than Gnome3 was around.
> Matt

There is many ready solutions for this purposes. They are not included
in fedora because of license restrictions. For example, in the review
mentioned in the first post fedorautils package is mentioned. It can
handle a lot of routine work one ordinary does in order to get
"properly working system". However in my opinion most of this things
are meaningless for work. Candy eyes are for losers.
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