Am 20.11.2011 23:11, schrieb Linda McLeod:
> The bullies who have been targeting my PC with computer problems have
> got into FireFox yet again, changing things..
> Top too-bar is inoperative..
> Fastmail logins are non-functional..
> Spellcheck is non-functional..

sounds like a problem in your profile

> And sometimes the bullies make the Google search-page be in German,
> Dutch, or French...
> Thus it would seem that FireFox is Fedora's weakest security, given that
> the monsters get into OS's via browsers...  
> Is FireFox addressing these issues any time soon..?
> Any ideas when FireFox might be secure enough to prevent such
> blacky/hacky/cracky/bully activities..?
> Is there a way to reasonably secure FireFox from such skilled attacks..?
> I'm supposing I need to reboot into an older option to shake the bugs..?

what are you speaking about?
this all sounds like FUD without any useful information

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