
I have been using Fedora since back in the RedHat 8 days.  Here of late, when 
updates come out I have typically just downloaded the DVD and done an Upgrade 
of an existing installation and I have had great success with that.  I have not 
used PreUpgrade and I'm not clear on what the advantages are supposed to be in 
going that route.   At times I have backed up my user directory, done a clean 
install and then restored my home directory.

With the changes that are introduced in FC16 (specifically the UID and GID 
numbering and the disk label changes) I was wondering if  using PreUpgrade is 
preferred.  With the UID changes I was not certain that my process of backing 
up my home directory and restoring it after a clean install would work at all, 
but I thought a straight Upgrade process might be acceptable.

Thanks in advance for any insight.

Herb Smith

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