On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 8:15 PM, mike cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am configuring a system running a clean install of F16 running the
> KDE desktop - everything works really nicely apart from one feature
> that I have been unable to use and maybe I am simply too stupid to be
> able to find the answer by googling.....
> I have a script that I want to be executed using a custom icon on the
> panel - I can easily put a panel item in for any of the already
> installed items - but I have a script in my home directory that in the
> past I have been able to simply set up a panel item in gnome2 in the
> past or in xfce so that alongside icons to start a browser or a
> terminal shell I want to be able to run my private script with a
> pictorial icon of my choice.... is there a way or will this mean I
> have to move to another DE like xfce to be able to do it?
> Thanks for any help in getting me the knowledge on how to do it.

I finally found what I needed!  It was in the folderview and right
clicking to give New->Link to Application which can then be

Maybe I am just slow!

mike c
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