On 11/10/2011 01:49 AM, Kalpa Pathum Welivitigoda wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to download F16 and currently my internet connection doesn't
> allow to download large files. The maximum allowable size is 50MB a
> file. I do have my space on fedorapeople.org. Is it allowed to
> download F16 DVD iso to my space on fedorapeople.org, split into 50MB
> files using tar and download them, so that I can create the iso
> locally and delete the files on fedorapeople.org?
> I want to know whether this is allowed and whether there are any
> online services that I can use to get the job done. That is to split
> the iso file into 50MB files and download them.

Ohh you made me remember my college times, with slow internet by day, 
and limited time to use the terminals, so I scheduled "at" jobs to run 
late night, opening FTPMail sessions (servers that downloaded files for 
you and sent it to you in chunks by email) and joining the parts the 
next day. Great times :P
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