On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Andre Robatino
<robat...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Kalpa Welivitigoda <callkalpa <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> nope, it doesn't download till 50MB. Since the file is more than 50MB,
>> it terminates the download at the very beginning. If the file is less
>> than 50MB only, it gets downloaded.
> To answer your original question about using your fedorapeople account, I 
> don't
> see why not. The default quota on the account is about 2 GB though, but 
> there's
> probably some command-line trickery you could use to download smaller pieces 
> of
> the ISO into your fedorapeople account before downloading it from there, or 
> you
> could ask to get the quota raised. You don't have to make the pieces publicly
> visible to download them, either - you can use scp or sftp. Which raises 
> another
> question - is your 50 MB limit limited to http downloads, or can you download
> bigger pieces using scp or other tools?

well that's nice. Any further idea on that command line tricky or how
to get the quota increased (how to request to do so). I'm not such
whether scp and sftp allows, if not I'll be able to use http download
by moving the files to public on fedorapeople.org. After the download
I'll remove them from there.

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Best Regards,

Kalpa Pathum Welivitigoda
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