>>>>> "Frank" == Frank Murphy <frankl...@gmail.com> writes:

    Frank> On 09/11/11 11:57, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
    Frank> <snipped>
    >> Everything appeared to go well. At the end I pressed the button
    >> to re-boot as instructed, but my F14 system just re-booted as
    >> normal. How do I actually perform the upgrade from this point?

    Frank> Af far as I recall, grub2 will be pulled in after an upgrade
    Frank> to F16.  So menu.lst will be meaningless. Grub2 obsoletes
    Frank> Grub.

    Frank> check for /boot/grub2/grub.cfg it is from here you will find
    Frank> what needs booting.

There is no /boot/grub2 . I guess this preupgrade business just doesn't work.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
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