----- Original Message -----
> I am creating a self service page that will allow users to rest their
> ldap passwords with the use of a “secret” . In the 389 console I am
> creating a custom attribute called secret in the configuration tab
> -> schema->attributes with syntax directory string. This string will
> be 50 characters randomly created with upper and lower case numbers
> and letters. After that I am creating a object class called “reset”
> and placing secret in that object class with the Parent of person.

Not exactly sure what you mean here.

You should probably create "reset" as a AUXILIARY objectclass, that you can 
then "mix-in" with existing entries.

> When I go to my user and attempt to add the attribute from the drop
> down menu, secret doesn’t show. I am just hunting and pecking here
> but think I am getting close… any help would be appreciated.
> David Hoskinson | DATATRAK International
> Systems Engineer
> Mayfield Heights, Ohio, USA
> +1.440.443.0082 x 124 (p ) | +1.216 .280.5457 (m)
> david.hoskin...@datatrak.net | www.datatrak.net
> --
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