On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Rick Sewill <rsew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Try running kmix with KMIX_PULSEAUDIO_DISABLE=1 as in the following script.
> You say it did not recognize all your sound devices and multimedia formats?
> You will need to be more specific...what sound devices are recognized?


I tried to disable the PULSEAUDIO and it worked fine, thanks!

About the not recognized control, in my previous distro, with a OSS mixer
(emulated on ALSA) there is a iGain control that should be incremented to
75-100% when I used the microphone, no matter if the MIC control is 100%, if
iGain is on 0% nobody was able to listen my voice and Kmix had no such

I thought it would be the same audio problem with Fedora, but tested
yesterday with Skype (pulseaudio was still enabled) and here it worked, but
it was very difficult to control the audio levels with pulseaudio, I hope
that with the alsa controls it will keep working, I mean the microphone...

Thanks for your comments!
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