Mark LaPierre ha scritto / said the following    il giorno/on 23/10/2011 
> On 10/23/2011 04:42 AM, antonio montagnani wrote:
>> I installed Sugar as additional Windows Manager, but when I removed all
>> sugar group also gdm was removed, so I couldn't restart graphically.I
>> had to start in text mode, and re-install it.
>> I suppose that this is not correct, but what is wrong??
> When you removed the entire group you also took GDM with it because it's
> part of the group.  All you need to do it reinstall GDM to get your
> graphical log in back.
that is what I did (a stated in my previous message)...but I suppose 
that GDM is included in any group of WM's, i.e. a newbie might 
disinstall GDM any WM group he would disinstall: quite insane, isn't it

Antonio M
Skype: amontag52

Linux Fedora F15 (Lovelock) on Acer 5720

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