On Fri, 2011-10-21 at 10:37 +0200, Andrey Ivanov wrote: 
> Hi,
> we are using 389 in production environment since 2006 or 2007. It is a
> central authentication/authorization mechanism for  ~20000 accounts,
> ~500 (occasional search from 5000) workstations, ~20-30 web
> applications.
> We have 3 multi-masters in replication. Everything is very stable so far.
> You may have problems if you check-out and compile the code or install
> the latest development (alpha or non-stable, early rc) versions. I
> would recommend as the latest stable version.
> The only support for 389 is the web site wiki, this list and bugzilla,
> the developers in general are available and very reactive, it happened
> several times that a patch for a bug that i filed was available in
> less than 24 hours...
> However you should acquire yourself some skills since you (the server
> admin) are the last resort in case of a problem, not RedHat or
> developers.
> If you want a commercial support you should go for RedHat Directory
> Server. RedHat also has the training for RHDS Administration...
> @+
I can second that the devs are incredibly helpful.  In fact, their
amazing helpfulness have helped make us serious RedHat fans - they
really seem to walk the open source / community walk at least judging
from the response of their developers like Rich for this and other
products - John

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