On 10/10/2011 10:30 AM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 10/10/2011 10:12 PM, JD wrote:
>> Well, in that case, what's the difference between
>> what you say (re: it would have bugs), and all the
>> rest of the software, from the kernel to the shell?
>> Have they all not had bugs, and continue to  have
>> bugs today?
> Yes and the solution is not to replace them but fix the bugs.
> Rahul
But that argues against your own argument that
a script will contain bugs. Of course it will - every
software ever written had them, and will have them.
Also, you yourself said that upgrading via yum is
a very complex process:
 > Upgrading a distribution is a fairly complex process to say the least.

So, by virtue of that statement itself, non-techies and
newbs most certainly need such an expertly written script(s).


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