On 10/03/2011 09:42 PM, Dokuro wrote:
> hello all, and thanks for Fedora 15 with Gnome3
> now my problem, i have an HP printer and on installation it asks for this
> file
> hplip-libs-3.11.3a-1.fc15.i686 requires hplip-common = 3.11.3a-1.fc15
> however i have this versions hplip-libs-3.11.7-2fc15 
> hplip-common-3.11.7-2fc15
> I asume mine are higher but alas i cannot install the printer..
> any ideas ? :)

nothing solid. a swag might be;

  ln -s /pathsto/hplip-*-3.11.7-2fc15 /pathsto/hplip-*-3.11.3a-1.fc15


peace out.



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to mess up a linux box, you need to work at it.
to mess up an ms windows box, you just need to *look* at it.
The installation instructions stated to install Windows 2000 or better.
So I installed Linux.
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