On 09/29/2011 03:06 AM, Craig White wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-09-28 at 14:12 +0200, Ralf Corsepius wrote:
>> On 09/28/2011 01:37 PM, Craig White wrote:
>>> Those who are unwilling or unprepared to use leading edge software,
>>> still under development should probably be using something stable like
>>> RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Ubuntu LTS, Debian or something other
>>> than Fedora.
>> Pardon, I had not intended to furtherly extend this thread, but now you
>> provoking it.
>> "Prepared for new SW" doesn't mean to swallow all mash being presented
>> and to uncritically welcome everything new as "brilliant novelty", but
>> also to make up personal opinions on such SW and to influence the system
>> as part of the evolutionary process which has made Linux up to date.
>> That said, I do not swallow the Gnome folks' claim to have implemented a
>> "revolutionary new approach". IMO, their works, when thinking about them
>> benevolently, at best is an early stage of a case study, which still has
>> to prove its viability.
> ----
> indeed it's early in the process of GNOME 3

Ever heard about projects gone crazy, being ruined by predominating 
parties or leaders having lost contact to their users?

History is full of such stories.

> ever heard of release early and often?

Yes. Applicable when it comes to gradual development. Only apply 
applicable for redesigns of a system's key components, when the new 
design can be installed in parallel.

> ever read the Cathedral and the Bazaar?

This discussion and others before have made it obvious that Gnome is a 
Cathedral governed by the absolute devine powers of its bishops and popes.

> Maybe GNOME 3 will be a dismal failure or maybe it will be the the cat's
> meow but likely it will end up being something in between and certain
> not to be loved by everyone.
It won't be a failure, because the driving forces behind it will not 
allow it to fail.

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