2011/9/28 Phil Meyer <pme...@themeyerfarm.com>:
> On 09/28/2011 02:57 AM, Joshua C. wrote:
>> As the title says, I'd like to reinstall fedora 15 with the netinstall
>> image because it's about 100mb (kernel and initrd) instead of the
>> install dvds. My problem is that those files located in
>> http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/releases/15/Fedora/x86_64/os/isolinux/
>> have long been outdated. As you can see the kernel is only 3.7mb and
>> the initrd almost 94mb. How to rebuild them from the latest
>> kernel-
>> --joshua
> 1. yum install dracut-network
> 2. use dracut (like mkinitrd) # dracut initrd.img `uname -r`
> That's it.
> Yoy can PXE boot that, or roll it up into a bootable iso, which is what
> netboot is.
> But why not just use the existing iso?  easier
> Good Luck!
> --
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I want to reinstall fedora on a intel fake-raid1 which is practically
a software raid. In order to save all the config headaches I want to
use a f16-livecd and rebuild the netinstall image with the kernel for
f15 (kernel- and just boot from it. So from your
example '# dracut initrd.img `uname -r' I think `uname -r` will return
the running f16 kernel, not the one I want to use. Do I need the
kernel-devel-package for this?
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