Digimer wrote:

> On 09/22/2011 07:03 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> Has anyone succeeded in installing CentOS-6.0 by PXEboot.
>> If so, would you say how you did it, please.
>> I tried, but gave up in the end and used a USB stick instead.
>> But I'd be very interested to know how to do it, for the future.

> I do this all the time. I wrote a tutorial on setting up a PXE server on
> Fedora, but it works just the same on CentOS 6 machines. In it, I show
> how to add CentOS 5 and Fedora as install candidates. I don't mention
> CentOS 6 directly, but it can be added exactly the same as the others.
> https://alteeve.com/w/Setting_Up_a_PXE_Server_on_an_RPM-based_OS

Just to thank you for your tutorial,
which is very informative.
If I had to criticize it, I would say that it is _too_ informative.
Maybe you could consider a parallel Quick Guide,
just listing the actions to take, 1,2,3,...

But as far as I can see, I followed the strategy you suggest,
which I've used for many versions of Fedora,
as well as CentOS-5.6.
But it didn't work for CentOS-6.0.
The machine booted fine, but hung (IIRC) at
"waiting for hardware to initialize..."
Unfortunately I didn't take proper notes of what I tried;
as I mentioned, I installed from a USB stick in the end.
But I thought afterwards I'd ask if anyone had actually succeeded
in installing CentOS-6.0 by PXEboot.

Someone asked why I didn't send my query to the CentOS mailing list.
The answer is that I meant to, but clicked on the wrong line ...
In other words, a slip of the mouse.
I could invent the excuse that I was using a Fedora machine
as PXE server, which is true but irrelevant.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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