Would the RHEL package work OK on Fedora 15? Why not push it to rawhide?

2011/9/21 Daniel J Walsh <dwa...@redhat.com>:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 09/20/2011 07:37 PM, Martín Marqués wrote:
>> 2011/9/20 David Quigley <seli...@davequigley.com>:
>>> On 09/20/2011 16:17, Martín Marqués wrote:
>>>> Yes, I get selinux alerts. I stated them in an earlier mail.
>>>> From the alerts, the only one that gave me trouble was
>>>> mod_python, and basically trac.
>>>> Also, apache couldn't conect to the PostgreSQL server, but that
>>>> I solved easilly.
>>> You mentioned earlier in the thread that you changed the location
>>> of some things. Could you mention the customizations you've done
>>> so Dan or I can help you with updating your file contexts
>>> properly? Also posting your AVC denials to the fedora SELinux
>>> list would help us figure out if its your setup or if its the
>>> policy itself that is wrong. I guess you could post them here as
>>> well if people are interested.
>> As I sad. Trac repos are at /var/lib/trac/ and append permission
>> is needed for the trac logs.
>> Also saw some python execution problems from mod_python (apache).
>> Just now I found this:
>> SELinux is preventing /usr/libexec/postfix/bounce from search
>> access on the directorio /var/spool/postfix/defer.
>> I've seen these before
> The postfix bounce issue is a known problem on RHEL6.  You can get a
> fix for this by downloading a preview of the 6.2 policy in yum
> repository under
> http://people.redhat.com/dwalsh/SELinux/RHEL6
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