On Tue, 2011-09-20 at 15:55 -0700, Linda McLeod wrote:
> Would be sweet if the user had optional controls over which files
> screensaver picks from.. 

Dunno if it still is, but it used to be possible to set the picture
directory with the Gnome screensaver.  If I recall correctly, you just
needed to create a .desktop file with the right instructions, and drop
it on top of the screensaver configurator.

Or, put the .desktop file into

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Business pictures slideshow
Comment=Display a slideshow from your business pictures directory
Exec=slideshow --location=/home/tim/local/pictures/business
GenericName[en_AU]=Business picture slideshow
Comment[en_AU]=Display a slideshow from the business pictures directory

Above was my screensaver slideshow of adverts as point-of-sale display.

> and options to set the time period of pix in
> the screensaver slide-show...

Yes, I would have liked that, too.  It would be possible to use a
different program to show the slides, that does give you such options.  
I think the one this screensaver uses is:


> Would be a plus if the screensaver doubled as a screen on screen
> slide-show...

Do you mean overlaying your pictures into a collage, or just showing the
pictures in a window on the desktop like a picture viewer.  The old
Gnome screensaver could do the latter.  I can't remember where I saw a
screensaver that drew the new pictures on top of the previous pictures,
at different random sizes and angles.

> Would be even pluser if the user could touch a set key to delete an
> unwanted pix from the screensaver file, when that pix happens to show...

Hmm.  Could be useful, but most screensavers are also used as lockout
devices, so nobody can do anything to your account without the password.

One option I'd like would be to be able to display the filename with the
picture.  Sometimes you want to find a picture again, without having to
trawl through hundreds of others.

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