On 20/09/2011 3:57 PM, Martín Marqués wrote:
> 2
> I spoke with someone who works in HP (system administration) that told
> me they have SELinux disabled on the servers, as the overhead in
> administration is to high.
> I'd like to believe my problem is due to lack of selinux configuration
> knowledge, and not that it's useless.
It`s not that it`s useless.

It`s that in the *real world*, getting the immensely-complicated policy 
machinery correct is next-to-impossible.  And by correct, I mean
   ``provides security, and never causes unwanted failures of 

SELinux is extremely ornate, and even after all these years, you end up 
running up against not-quite-right policy databases that cause you grief.
   Once you`ve done a few of those, the temptation is to turn it off.  A 
properly-configured Linux server, even without SELinux, but with other
   security features like firewalling turned on, is likely secure-enough 
in many environments.

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