Tom Horsley <horsley1953 <at>> writes:

> On Sat, 17 Sep 2011 21:08:32 +0000 (UTC)
> JB wrote:
> > People who come up with such idea and design and write a DE like GNOME 3 
> > for 
> > users across the entire market market spectrum deserve to be put in
> > a straitjacket and kept on Prozac ad infinitum.
> And the new Windows 8 hype is also talking about unification across the
> entire spectrum of devices, and then there is ubuntu unity, which makes
> gnome 3 look good .
> Can all these different development organizations be wrong about
> a unified interface? (personally, I'd say "yes" .

With regard to MS - they do a step dance, kind of funny one (one step forward,
one step backward, and one step sideways, etc).

Their Windows 8 is planned to have "progressive" Metro DE, and "retro" Classic
DE as well, as separate applications.
Just in case ... So they can not be accused of lack of conviction :-)

GNOME looks like a peanut gallery in comparison to them !

Sinofsky: Classic Desktop Is a Separate Application in Windows 8


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